Welcome to my studio, gallery and sculpture park.

Beautifully situated by a lake in the new nationalpark Skjoldungeland and on the Marguerite Route which is a country-wide scenic route that takes you past more than 200 of Denmark’s top attractions and through some of the country’s most picturesque scenery.

MOSESVINGET 9 Særløse 4330 Hvalsø

Visitors are always welcome by appointment. mail: to@joern.dk or mobile: 26191484

Furthermore, my studio is open in Pentecost as part of an Art event running every year with open studios over a great part of Zealand. Localy in springtime we too have an weekend where a number of artists open their studios.

For groups, circles of friends, companies, art associations etc. it can be aranged, that I give a lecture, presentation or story / causerie about my work with Land Art and sculptures, and I can give demonstrations of workprocesses

In such an event it is possible to bring your own food and drink.

Or to order a cup of coffee / tea and homemade cakes, possibly fruit.

An appropriate price, or a “guarantee purchase” can be arranged relative to arrangement, and possible requests and suggestions.

Visits here may be combined witha visit to another studio / gallery at good nearby friends and colleagues: Gallery Henochba